It seemed like a lucrative investment, given that rents were rising while homeownership fell to record lows. 鉴于房租上涨,而住房自有率降至历史低点,这项业务看起来是一项获利颇丰的投资。
Financing tycoons is a lucrative and growing business in Asia that is tempting investment banks including Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to muscle in. 在亚洲,为大亨融资是一个利润丰厚并迅速增长的业务,吸引着包括高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在内摩拳擦掌的投行挤入。
Could the most lucrative investment portfolio you own be hiding in your closet? 最佳投资组合可能是自己的压箱底服装吗?
Wall Street is witnessing an exodus of analysts covering oil, gas and other commodities as the credit crunch and lucrative offers from hedge funds drive research experts away from investment banks. 华尔街正在目睹跟踪石油、天然气及其它大宗商品领域的分析师纷纷离职,因为信贷紧缩和对冲基金的高薪邀请,促使大批研究分析师纷纷离开投资银行。
Judge's lucrative investment in coalmine causes stir. 山西神木县法官投资煤矿受益引发争议。
This is the personal wealth of Russian business people* looking for lucrative investment opportunities. 俄罗斯企业家的个人财富正在寻找有利可图的投资机会。
Hong Kong is the biggest centre for initial public offerings this year, raising$ 28bn, and provides lucrative fees for investment banks that secure advisory mandates from mainland groups. 香港是今年首次公开发行(IPO)的最大中心,融资额达280亿美元,还为获得内地企业咨询委托的投行带来丰厚收费。
Proved by more than one hundred years 'history of development overseas, franchising has been widely recognized as a lucrative investment choice, which has the highest rate of success. 这种优势已被其在海外100余年的发展历史所证实,成为全球公认的成功率最高的创业选择。